
The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC) and the Harrisburg Young Professionals (HYP) are pleased to announce the graduation of 12 individuals from the inaugural Emerging Philanthropist Program (EPP) class of 2014. Over the past 10 months, participants learned about the local Harrisburg community, its nonprofit organizations, philanthropy and wealth management practices, and grantmaking processes. Participants were provided resources and educational opportunities that encouraged them to make an impact beyond traditional volunteer activities. Participants also learned about the various fundraising methods utilized by nonprofit organizations and how to identify fiscally responsible nonprofit organizations through an analysis of their business models and budgets.

Their culminating experience was to apply their newly learned community and grantmaking skills by awarding a grant to a nonprofit organization in the Harrisburg area. The recipient nonprofit organization must provide programs and services that address family development and engagement with an emphasis on those families with children ages 0-10 years; this topic was chosen by the class after assessing the needs of the Harrisburg community. After a competitive grantmaking process involving reviewing nine applications, interviewing three finalists, and visiting those finalists on site, the 2014 EPP class has selected their grantee. The grantee will be announced on Tuesday, December 16 at the First Church of Brethren on 219 Hummel Street, along with a check presentation, at 5:30pm. This event is open to the public and all are invited to attend. The 2014 inaugural Emerging Philanthropist Program class consists of the following individuals:

  • Catherine Azeles
  • Kimberly Bowman
  • Ayanna Cash-Clements
  • Toan Do
  • James Hobbs
  • Alexander Langan
  • Jolene Leisure
  • Steven Martinez
  • Suzanne Patackis
  • Adrienne Thoman
  • Melba Twitty
  • David Wagner

Applications are now available online at www.tfec.org for the 2015 Emerging Philanthropist Program class; limit of 18 individuals for the 2015 class and must be a member of the Harrisburg Young Professionals.

For more information about EPP, please visit www.tfec.org and selected “Emerging Philanthropist Program” located under the Special Initiatives tab.

Pictured individuals: (back row, left to right) James Hobbs, Alexander Langan, Suzanne Patackis, Steven Martinez, Adrienne Thoman, David Wagner, Toan Do; (front row, left to right) Ayanna Cash-Clements, Jolene Leisure, Kimberly Bowman, Catherine Azeles; (not pictured) Melba Twitty.

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