TFEC asks students to express hopes for
our future communities through visual art.

In celebration of its 100th anniversary in 2020, and the future to come, The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC) is pleased to announce a new visual art contest open to any 6th – 12th grade student(s) in Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, and Perry Counties, and the Dillsburg Area of York County.

As the 18th oldest community foundation in the United States, TFEC is pleased to look forward to our communities’ next 100 years, and is pleased to ask students to create a visual art image that expresses



Access, Download, and Print the Centennial Art Contest Guidelines, Centennial Art Contest Submission Form, AND Centennial Art Contest Entry and Release Form.

Click HERE to access the forms listed above!


  • Each winning artist will receive $1,000 for the Art Department of their school (or school or origin).
  • Twelve images will be selected as winners.
  • Each school will be limited to one winner.

The artwork of the winning artists will be featured by TFEC within its 2021 promotions and will be printed in a series of greeting cards to be sold to the community. All proceeds from these sales will benefit TFEC’s area communities for years to come through a fund called “The Fund for the Future.”

The image of the winning artist(s) and their artwork may be featured in the TFEC Annual Report, newsletter, website, and/or other media outlets.


Eligible participants must be a student in 6th – 12th grade(s) in Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, or Perry Counties, or in the Dillsburg Area of York County at the time of submission.

Participants must complete and provide the Centennial Art Contest Submission Form and Centennial Art Contest Entry and Release Form with their original piece and submit to TFEC via mail or hand delivery on or by 4pm on February 1, 2021. Submissions must be received on or by, or postmarked by, February 1, 2021.

Entries may be mailed to:


PO Box 678

Harrisburg, PA 17108-0678


  • Each participant may submit a piece of art.
  • Eligible mediums include 2-D imagery in pen, ink, pencil, markers, paints, charcoal, watercolors, acrylics, printing ink, and photography.
  • Sculpture, collage, and paintings on stretched canvas are not eligible for this opportunity. Painting on canvas panels, unstretched canvas, or other flat surfaces are eligible. 
  • A template for the submission size is provided on the registration form.
  • Submissions may be drawn directly within the provided template on the registration form OR artwork may be created in the size of the template and attached to a registration form. All imagery submitted is limited to the size provided in the template on the registration form but may be created on another surface and attached. If using a white border, the imagery inside the white border must be the same size as the provided template. The template is 4.25″ x 5.5″.
  • Submissions may be monochromatic or full color.
  • Do not frame or shrink-wrap imagery. Do not staple submissions.
  • Artwork must speak to the theme, “What You Hope Your Community Will Look like In The Future” and may depict any imagery as long as the imagery does not violate school policy.
  • Each participant must complete and submit the Centennial Art Contest Submission Form AND Centennial Art Contest Entry and Release Form.


Zachary Moore Music Memorial Fund

"Our family decided that a good way to honor our son, Zachary, who we lost at 19 due to tragic circumstances, would be to establish a scholarship fund. We started the fund at TFEC for students who are adventurous in their musical journey, just as Zachary was."

Kirmi Espinal
Kirmi Espinal

"Receiving the scholarship money allows me to feel less stressed and I can focus more on my schoolwork."

Aunyae Cunningham, Scholarship Recipient
Aunyae Cunningham

"Receiving these scholarships helped me tremendously by relieving financial worries of how I was going to afford to stay in school."


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