CampHillBoroughBuildingThe Camp Hill Community Foundation (CHCF), a regional foundation of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, invites nonprofits to apply for grant opportunities. Any nonprofit organization directly benefiting Camp Hill citizens may request funds through the application process. CHCF’s unrestricted funds may be used to make grants to any qualified charitable organization for any charitable purpose.

CHCF’s funding priorities include arts & culture, community development, education, environment, and health & human services. In addition to the general unrestricted grantmaking that is available through CHCF, funds are available through an area-of-interest fund for Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, or other similar youth agencies/groups for projects to enhance any of Camp Hill Borough’s parks.

Applicants must either be a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, or have a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization act as a fiscal sponsor for the proposed project.

Applications must be submitted through TFEC’s online application system by March 13, 2015. Notification of grant awards will be made later that month. Organizations interested in applying should visit to learn how to apply and review the grant guidelines.

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