Capacity Building Resources
Nonprofit organizations are the heartbeat of our local community. Because of their dedication to service, our communities are a safer, happier, and healthier place for everyone. TFEC believes that for the nonprofit organizations in our community to be best equipped to meet their missions, they need assistance to continually improve internally to create a sustainable and effective organization, whether financially, programmatically, or organizationally.
Survey & Results
TFEC saw the unique circumstances that impacted our local nonprofit community and partnered with Helix Strategies, LLC, to determine what these organizations needed from funders and what they saw as emerging areas of need in both the short-term and long-term.
The information gathered from only organizations within our geographic footprint: Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry, and Northern York Counties so that our findings would be the most applicable to the local community.
TFEC uncovered concerns of nonprofits in both the short-term and long-term and needed areas of support and feelings regarding fundraising efforts in 2021.
Some significant highlights of the survey:
Of those surveyed, 35.9% answered not very, not at all, or unsure how confident they were that current donor relationships and/or fundraising strategies will cover their needs next year. They attributed this answer to the lack of ability to implement a specific fundraising strategy, host an event, or nurture key relationships.
Respondents cited New Funding and Employee Commitment as the two main factors that positively impact their organization during this pandemic.
Click here to view a summary of the results.
Session Archives:
May 13, 2021 – Engaging your Board, Volunteers, and Team During this Difficult Time
Session Materials Session Audio
June 15, 2021 – All Things Funding and Fundraising
Session Materials Session Audio
July 20, 2021 – All Things Operations and Programming
Zachary Moore Music Memorial Fund
"TFEC is family to us. It means a lot to have the fund at a place where people cared about Zachary when he was alive, and care about this memorial fund that we’ve established in his honor."
Pillars with Purpose
"TFEC has a can-do attitude. They're invested not just in getting the job done, but also emotionally invested—which makes for a great partner."
Owen's Fund
"I think it's really important that we have a structure and an entity like TFEC to help the community thrive."