Diversity & Inclusion Professionals of Central PA (DIPCPA) represents a diverse cross-section of: business, education, government, health care, law, nonprofit organizations, for profit organizations, and individual members.
Membership Criteria
- Must value diverse communities and possess a commitment to making the Central Pennsylvania Region a welcoming and inclusive place to live, work, learn, and play.
- Be employed by a business, educational institution, charitable organization, governmental entity or other organization whose primary purpose is to provide goods or services outside of the Diversity and Inclusion field.
- Work at a location within Central Pennsylvania.
- Be employed in a position that has significant day-to-day and/or management oversight responsibility in the area(s) of Diversity, Inclusion, EEO Compliance, and/or Affirmative Action.
- Agree to attend at least 50% of yearly meetings. Substitutes may attend when a member absolutely cannot attend.
- An exception to the foregoing requirements may be made where the prospective member meets the first two criteria and her/his participation as a member is consistent with DIPCPA’s Purpose.
Membership Dues
- Dues are invoiced annually on October 1 and must be paid no later than November 30 of the same calendar year.
- Individuals/organizations who join DIPCPA membership after September 1 of a calendar year, will not be assessed dues for the next membership year.
- Student Membership – $25.00 per year
- Individual – $85.00 per year
- Organizational (up to 4 individuals) – $300.00 per year
Click here for more information on Diversity and Inclusion Professionals of Central PA.