Every day you make choices about how you use your money. We want to help you think about the choices you make related to your charitable giving, and take your giving to the next level, making it as personal, meaningful and fulfilling as possible.
Giving through TFEC is easy and doesn’t require great wealth. No matter how much you give, your charitable strategy will be meaningful when it is aligned with your values, life experiences and interests.
How do I…?
- Find information on how to start a fund with TFEC?
- Find information on ways to give to a fund or project at TFEC?
Planned Giving – 1920 Legacy Society
In addition to accepting direct contributions, TFEC assists donors in making planned gifts. Often these gifts are deferred based upon personal estate planning and the income needs of the donor. Even though gifts might be deferred, the gifts could have immediate tax benefits. Deferred gifts include bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable annuity remainder trust, charitable lead trusts and real estate with retained life interest. Donors who make a planned gift or remember TFEC in their wills are invited to become members of our 1920 Legacy Society. Members of the 1920 Legacy Society receive special recognition in our Annual Report, invitations to all TFEC events, and a special luncheon and gift to thank them for their planned gift.
Please click here for a list of our current 1920 Legacy Society members.
Outside Investment Accounts
Donors with funds in excess of $75,000 may request that TFEC use their personal financial advisor to recommend investment holdings. Financial advisors (including brokers, bank trust departments, fee-based investment advisors, insurance or mutual fund representatives, and other money managers) must be accepted by TFEC and agree, in writing, as TFEC Outside Investment Advisors, to invest within permitted parameters. Advisors are able to charge prudent investment management fees for this service.
Please click here for more information about Outside Investment Accounts.
Community Foundations Overview
Please click here for an overview of community foundations.
About TFEC
Please click here for history and other information about TFEC.
Glossary of Nonprofit & Community Foundation Terms
Please click here for our Glossary of Nonprofit & Community Foundation Terms.