Harrisburg Hoopla 2025

Harrisburg Hoopla 2025

107 107 people viewed this event.

The Emerging Philanthropists Program (EPP) will be hosting the 7th Annual Harrisburg Hoopla on Saturday, June 7, 2025. It will be a full-day event consisting of teams competing in various events such as physical games (individual and teams) and puzzle-type games. Each team will represent a local nonprofit organization and compete to donate a portion of the event’s proceeds to that nonprofit! A portion of the event’s proceeds will also benefit the Emerging Philanthropist Fund at TFEC.

Event Participant Registration – $45 


Games will include:  Megablox Team Puzzle, Tic Tac Toe Relay, Volleyball, Ski Board Team Race, Dizzy Bat Relay Race, Circle Dodgeball, Pickle, Cornhole



Registration Opens: 9:30 a.m.

Program Begins: 10:00 a.m.

Games Begin: 10:30 a.m.

Estimated End of Games: 4:30 p.m.



City Island Skyline Sports Complex and Volleyball Courts


Date And Time

Sat, 06-07-2025 @ 09:30 AM to
Sat, 06-07-2025 @ 04:30 PM

Registration End Date

Sun, 06-01-2025

Event Category


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