The Kids Trust Fund Grant Guidelines

The mission of The Kids Trust Fund is to help young children of abuse grow up in a happy, safe, and exciting environment.  The Kids Trust Fund is a fund of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities.

Please visit The Kids Trust Web site at

Grant Amount

Up to $15,000

Applications Open: November 1, 2024

Applications Close: February 1, 2025

Apply Now


The Kids Trust Fund was created in 2005 by and in memory of Gary L. Houck, Jr. At the age of 29, Gary became a victim of suicide. Gary’s wish was to create a fund that would provide support and services to young children who are living with physical or emotional abuse, or neglect.

Funding Priorities

The Kids Trust Fund invites established nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations to submit proposals to support child-focused programs and services that are within the confines of existing programs and services that your agency currently provides.

Eligible activities may include:

  • Therapeutic recreational, fun activities for children of abuse
  • Early intervention services
  • Support groups for individuals or families
  • Mental, emotional, or behavioral health services

Grant Eligibility

Programs must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Serve children aged 0-18 years old and/or their families
  • Operate within the counties of Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry, York, Lancaster, Juniata, and Mifflin.
  • Enhance or expand the services already provided by your organization (if your organization is proposing a new program, you must provide a plan for sustaining the program after the grant term)

We are interested in supporting innovative activities that directly benefit children of abuse and their families. Proposals should:

  • Be innovative and not duplicate existing programs and services
  • Empower children of abuse
  • Be collaborative in nature
  • Have the potential to become long-term solutions to existing abuse issues involving youth
  • Demonstrate measurable and achievable outcomes

Grant Timeline

  • November 1, 2024: Application available.
  • February 1, 2025: All application materials must be submitted online.
  • Applicants will be notified of their status by June 1, 2025.
  • Proposed projects may take place at any time during the grant year beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2026.

What We Do Not Fund

  • Advertising*
  • Capital campaigns
  • Direct lobbying to influence legislation or funding appropriations*
  • Individuals
  • National and statewide umbrella organizations that cannot demonstrate a local presence
  • New staff positions without a substantial plan for sustainability
  • Religious organizations for religious purposes
  • Retroactive projects

*Grant proposals that include these should describe the scope, purpose and guidelines.

Criteria for Evaluating Proposals

The Kids Trust Fund Advisory Committee makes all grantmaking decisions and consists of a dedicated group of individuals committed to the betterment of children and families.  The Grant Review Committee may request additional information or seek a site visit prior to making an award or denial.

Below is a list of the criteria utilized to evaluate applications.

  • (20) – Connection to the Mission of The Kids Trust Fund
    • Need and target audience is clearly stated.
    • Narrative provides a clear picture of all proposed actions and activities.
    • Project/program dates and locations are clearly addressed and anticipated.
  • (5) – Roles and responsibilities are defined and work to strengthen/enhance the project.
    • Partnerships, collaborations, services and affiliations are clearly defined if applicable.
  • (5) – Funding:
    • Project has a funding diversification plan and is not 100% dependent upon grant award.
    • Budget Worksheet clearly defines where awarded funds will be applied.
  • (10) – Project success is clearly defined and measurable.
    • Goals are measurable and anticipated outcomes are clearly defined.
  • (10) – Diversity Equity and Inclusion:
    • Project demonstrates how it will be inclusive/accessible to all applicable audiences.
    • The board, staff and/or volunteers reflect the community and the people being served.

Would you recommend funding this project? Yes/No


  • Application Tutorial
    • How to register and apply
  • Draft Reviews
    • Applicants may request a draft review of their application up to 2 weeks prior to the deadline. To request a draft review contact the Community Investment Team, at

If you should have any questions regarding TFEC grant opportunities or your application, please contact the Community Investment Team, at or 717-236-5040. Questions are welcome at any time!

Questions regarding our grant opportunities?

get in touch with us or
view the grantseeker FAQ