How old must participants be?
All participants must be age 21 or older to participate.
Can our team dress up?
Yes! All teams are encouraged to have a theme or dress in similar colors!
What is the minimum size for teams?
Teams are encouraged to have at least 6 members on their teams with a maximum of 10 people. Teams are encouraged to be co-ed but it is not a requirement.
Will there be food and drinks at the event?
Yes, we will be hosting food trucks and an alcohol vendor at the event. These items are not included in the ticket price. As always, if you plan to drink alcohol, please have a safe and reliable designated driver.
Will water stations be available?
Yes, water stations will be available free of charge. We encourage everyone to stay hydrated!
Will there be a break in between events?
Yes, each team will have some down time in order to hydrate, eat, relax, and socialize.
Can we bring blankets/tents/chairs?
Yes. Teams are allowed to bring tents, chairs, etc. to help avoid the heat.
Can more than one team compete on behalf of the same nonprofit organization?
Yes, they can.
Can a team represent more than one nonprofit organization?
No, unfortunately only one nonprofit organization per team.
Which nonprofits can teams chose?
Any as long as they have 501(c)(3) status.
Is my team responsible for raising funds for our chosen nonprofit organization?
No! Teams are not responsible for fundraising for this event; event proceeds will be donated. If you would like to raise funds, or donate above and beyond the standard registration cost, you are more than welcome to at the time of registration but it’s not required.