The Mechanicsburg Area Community Foundation (MACF), a regional foundation of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, is pleased to announce that 15 grant awards totaling $44,782 have been granted to support nonprofit organizations that enhance or benefit the lives of citizens in the Mechanicsburg area.

These grantees include educational programs, community development programs, health and human services agencies, and more.

MACF’s strategic grantmaking focus is to invest in innovative, collaborative approaches and solutions to community problems, and to support projects that have the potential for the greatest impact on the quality of life and positive outcomes for individuals and families living in the Mechanicsburg area.
The MACF funds come from bequests and gifts given by individuals, families, organizations, and institutions and are held by The Foundation for Enhancing Communities. The MACF Advisory Committee determines the distribution of the income from the investment of the discretionary funds.

For more information on the Mechanicsburg Area Community Foundation or The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, please contact The Foundation for Enhancing Communities at 717-236-5040 or visit

The following is a list of grant recipients, the amount of funding and a brief description of the projects.

• Bethany Village – $6,433 for the development of a Snoezelen room, a concept and approach to providing whole person stimulation to alleviate and assist seniors suffering from Dementia.

• Bethesda Mission of Harrisburg – $500 for equipment upgrades to continue and grow food and household product distribution to individuals and families in need.

• Big Brothers-Big Sisters of The Capital Region Inc. – $2,000 for the Mechanicsburg School-based mentoring program for children at-risk.

• Central Pennsylvania Food Bank – $2,500 for the new Fresh Express Mobile Pantry Program site location targeting the refugee population at the Cumberland Pointe housing complex in Mechanicsburg.

• Employment Skills Center – $2,500 to provide preclinical Nurse Aide training in partnership with New Hope Ministries and clinical training that will make candidates eligible to sit for the State Nurse Aide Registry Examination.

• First United Methodist Church – $600 for the 2016 Day of Pampering that honors and serves women who are primary caregivers to a child, husband or other loved one with disabilities.

• Homeland Hospice – $6,000 for the In-Home Caregiver Relief Program to better meet the needs and gaps that exist in caregiving.

• Hospice of Central Pennsylvania – $5,153 for the Complementary Therapies and Family Support Program to provide the terminally ill of Central Pennsylvania and their families with compassion, dignity and care through the coordinated delivery of emotional, physical and spiritual support.

• Joseph T. Simpson Public Library – $3,600 to establish a mobile computer lab at Simpson Library that can be used for teaching free computer classes to the public on various computer topics.

• Mechanicsburg Museum Association – $3,896 to transform a blighted, condemned fire-ravaged property at 203 E. Main Street and create a green space to continue promoting the area’s history through programming, events and activities including the use of the new venue adjacent to the Frankenberger Tavern.

• New Hope Ministries Inc. – $1,600 to expand the After School program to help children living in poverty experience educational success and develop skills needed to prepare for success in life.

• Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance – $1,500 for the Front Porch Project a community-based, primary prevention initiative based on the belief that everyone can, and should, become more aware of how to help protect fragile and at-risk children in their own community.

• Please Live – $2,500 for the STOMP – Student/Teen Outreach for Mental (Illness) Prevention project to address the growing incidents of mental illness and suicide among teens.

• Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg Inc. – $3,500 for the Home Repair and Modification Program that provides free home repair and modification services since 1994.

• United Methodist Home For Children Residential Care Inc. – $2,500 for the Independent Living Skills Training Program (Life Skills Program) for boys and girls ages 12 -20.

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