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Kindergarten Registration Information

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

Contact your local school district to find out the dates for kindergarten registration. Items you may need to register your child for kindergarten include:

  • Proof of address (i.e. lease with name(s) of parents/legal guardians and children, deed to your property, mortgage settlement sheet, signed sales agreement, recent tax receipt)
  • Proof of student’s age (i.e. official birth certificate)
  • Proof of required immunizations (you can get a copy of your child’s immunization record from your child’s physician)
  • Parent photo identification (i.e. drivers License, non-drivers identification, passport, or military identification)
  • If appropriate, most recent IEP, agency letter of placement, or court order (proof of guardianship)

Check with your local school district to see if additional information is required for registration.

School District Contact Information
Perry County
Greenwood School District 717-589-3117
Newport School District 717-567-3806
Susquenita School District 717-957-6000
West Perry School District 717-789-3934