George Alexander Scholarship Fund
George M. Alexander 1953-2020
John Wooden said “a good coach can change a game…a great coach can change a life”.
Many of George Alexander’s students think he was a great coach. George was a reading specialist in the Susquenita Scho
ol District for 30 years. He coached baseball, football, and wrestling. He was “old school”, and believed in mastering the fundamentals, hard work, and discipline. He also liked to have fun! He genuinely cared for his students. He wrote many letters of recommendation for those applying to universities, made countless phone calls to college coaches on behalf of Susquenita athletes, and was involved with several scholarships.He was a positive influence in the lives of many students.
Coach Alexander was himself an outstanding athlete. He participated in baseball, football, basketball, and boxing. He was very sociable, and met people he knew everywhere he went. He kept in touch with many of his players, friends from high school, and from his alma mater, Mansfield University. He loved his family and was a great Dad.
This award, funded by his friends and family, is intended to honor his memory by continuing his legacy of helping worthy student-athletes achieve their goals.
This scholarship is a fund of the Perry County Community Foundation.
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