Crystal started at TFEC in January of 2025. Prior to joining the team, Crystal was the Chief Culture and Engagement Officer at Dasher Services Inc. and oversaw workplace culture and employee engagement. She has served as the Executive Director at Brethren Housing Association, a non-profit in Harrisburg that serves families experiencing homelessness. In addition to having over 10 years of human service and non-profit management experience, she serves on the board of Harristown Enterprises and the Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority. She is a 2017 alumni of Leadership Harrisburg and a 2018 YWCA Tribute to Women of Excellence recipient. Crystal earned her Bachelor of Social Work from West Chester University, a Masters of Social Work from Temple University, and is a Society of Human Resource Management Certified Professional. She is committed to life-long learning and empowering people to reach their full potential and teaches Grant Writing and Nonprofit Management Certificate Programs at Temple University Harrisburg. Outside of TFEC, she loves listening to podcasts and trying out new restaurants.