Ways To Give
Please consult with your tax, legal, and/or financial advisor(s) regarding the most effective giving vehicle for your individual circumstances. TFEC’s Gift Acceptance Policy is available upon request. Please contact Janice Black, President & CEO at info@tfec.org or contact us online for more information on ways to give.
Direct Gifts:
- Cash
- Marketable securities
- Closely held business stock
- Mutual funds
- Real estate
- Tangible personal property (such as art, collections, antiques) Life insurance policies
- Qualified retirement plan assets (IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pensions)
Planned Gifts:
We can assist you and your financial advisor in developing planned gifts that meet your needs. Each giving vehicle provides specific advantages to fit your individual situation.
The simplest planned gift is a bequest that directs specific amounts or assets, or a percentage of your estate, to create a fund or add to an existing fund. A simple designation in your Will is all that is needed. Click here for sample language that your attorney can incorporate into your estate plan.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
With this type of trust, you transfer assets that pay you or other beneficiaries an income for life or for a fixed term. When the trust matures, the remainder is used to establish a permanent fund in your name, with charitable distributions directed as you have chosen.
Charitable Lead Trusts
With this type of trust, you create an endowment fund at TFEC to receive the trust income for a fixed term. When the trust expires, the income or assets may be distributed to other named non-charitable beneficiaries, and your fund will remain at TFEC and continue to benefit the community as you have directed.
Life Insurance Policies
Many donors make a gift by assigning a life insurance policy to TFEC. Simply secure or transfer a policy and name TFEC as owner and beneficiary. Any ongoing premiums that you make may be tax deductible. When the policy matures, a permanent named fund is established to support your charitable causes.
Retirement Plan Assets
Large Individual Retirement Plan Asset (IRA) accounts at death may pay up to 70% in income and estate taxes. A good way to reduce taxes is to include charity as an IRA designated beneficiary. This can be done through an outright gift or by using a Charitable Remainder Trust that makes payments to your family members. Through TFEC, you can distribute your IRA after death in a tax-wise way and create a fund to benefit the community.
1920 Legacy Society:
Donors who make a planned gift are invited to become members of our 1920 Legacy Society. Members of the 1920 Legacy Society receive special recognition in our Annual Report and on our website, invitations to all TFEC events, and gift to thank them for their planned gift.
Click here for a list of our current 1920 Legacy Society members.