HARRISBURG, PA — The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC) announced $222,405.43 in grant funds have been awarded to 32 Greater Harrisburg and surrounding area nonprofit organizations through competitive grant opportunities. Awarded projects will commence between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023.
Grant recipients are registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit organizations or utilize a fiscal sponsor. After careful review of numerous grant application submissions, the following were awarded funding for the 2022 – 2023 fiscal year:
Children’s Home Foundation Fund (CHFF) – A special fund initiative of TFEC, provides aid to economically disadvantaged children in Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry counties. CHFF prioritizes human services that address needs for food, clothing, and shelter, as well as education, cultural enrichment, and the arts.
Eight grantees were awarded a total of $25,500:
Dauphin County CASA ($5,000), Gamut Theatre ($2,000), HANNA Foundation ($2,500), Harrisburg Symphony Association ($4,000), Join Hands Ministry ($2,000), Left Out Organization Program ($4,000), Setebaid Services Inc. ($3,000) and Tri County Community Action ($3,000).
The Kids Trust Fund (TKTF) – A fund created by, and in memory, of Founder Gary L. Houck, Jr. to provide support and services to young children with a history of physical, emotional abuse, or neglect. This grant opportunity seeks to support child-focused programs to help young survivors of abuse grow up in a happy, safe, and exciting environment, with services in Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York counties.
TKTF awarded a total of $71,658.83 to ten organizations for supporting key initiatives:
Children Aid Society, Southern PA District-Church of Brethren ($6,000), Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County ($15,000), Dauphin County CASA ($6,000, Harrisburg Area YMCA ($7,412.00), Hoffman Homes, Inc. ($2,500), Leg Up Farm, Inc. ($4,691.83) Animal, Perry County Council of the Arts (3,000), Sexual Assault Resource & Counseling Center of Lebanon & Schuylkill Counties ($11,000), Summer Program for Youth ($12,955) and The YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association of York – ($3,100).
Perry County Community Foundation (PCCF) – A regional foundation of TFEC, PCCF funds programs and services that have the potential for the greatest impact on the quality of life and positive outcomes for individuals and families living in Perry County. Through grantmaking, PCCF invests in solutions to community problems and supports projects demonstrating achievable outcomes.
PCCF awarded a total of $58,746.60 to 15 organizations:
Capital Area Girls on the Run ($2,312.90), Central Pennsylvania Food Bank ($2.912.90), Duncannon Senior Citizens Center ($2,000), Employment Skills Center ($3,000), Historical Society of Perry County ($3,125.00), Join Hands Ministry ($3,500), Junior Achievement of South Central PA ($2,412.90), Keystone System Services ($6,198.00), Leaf Project Inc. ($7,000), Marysville-Rye Library Association ($181.90), PennCares ($1,611), Perry County Council of the Arts ($6,800), Setebaid Services Inc. ($3,192.00), Tri-County Community Action ($10,000), and United Way of the Capital Region ($4,500).
Harold M. Greaney Fund (HGF) – A special fund initiative of TFEC and the Perry County Community Foundation, seeks to fund programs and services from nonprofit organizations serving Perry County citizens.
HGF awarded a total of $19,500 to 12 organizations:
Central Perry Community Senior Citizens Center, Inc. ($2,250), Historical Society of Perry County ($1,500), Homeland Hospice ($2,000), Keystone System Services ($500), Marysville-Rye Library Association ($1,600), New Hope Ministries ($2,000), Newport Public Library ($1,511), Perry County Council of the Arts ($2,500), Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg ($1,000), Setebaid Services Inc. ($1,004.00), Susquenita School Band ($2,000) and The Perry Historians ($1,635).
Pennsylvania Disability Advocacy Fund (PDAF) – A special fund of TFEC seeks to fund organizations advocating for the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities.
PDAF awarded a total of $45,000 to three organizations:
Disability Rights Pennsylvania ($15,000), Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation ($15,000), and The Arc of Pennsylvania ($15,000).
Emerging Philanthropist Program (EPP) Endowment Fund – A special initiative fund of TFEC seeks to build capacity through professional development opportunities: industry-specific training and general leadership training.
The EPP Endowment Fund awarded $2,000 to Westshore Wildlife Center.
To learn more about TFEC and support local special fund initiatives, visit www.tfec.org.
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The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC), the 18th oldest community foundation in the United States, inspires giving by partnering with donors to achieve their charitable goals, and strengthens our local communities by investing in them now, and for future generations. TFEC has been serving the South-Central Pennsylvania counties of Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, and Perry, and the Dillsburg Area for 102 years. Regional foundations of TFEC include the Greater Harrisburg Community Foundation, the Franklin County Community Foundation, the Mechanicsburg Area Community Foundation, the Perry County Community Foundation, and the Dillsburg Area Community Foundation. For more information on TFEC, please visit www.tfec.org.