The Greater Harrisburg Foundation (GHF), a regional foundation of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC), has announced a new opportunity for nonprofits to increase their capacity and attract new donors.

“We are continuously striving to improve the quality of life for those living in our community,” said TFEC President and CEO Janice R. Black. “However, we’re well aware that we cannot do so alone, all of us need to commit to making this region a vital and healthy community and the ‘Our Challenge for Giving’ grants encourage our nonprofit partners to expand their reach and build upon their success to further their missions in helping central Pennsylvania citizens.”

The “Our Challenge for Giving” is GHF’s commitment to award up to $7,500 to increase the number of new private donors, reengage lapsed donors (over 12 months since last donation) and to promote increased gifts of current donors. The grant initiative will maintain the traditional funding priorities of GHF, which include arts & culture, community development, education, environment and health & human services.

Organizations eligible to apply will reside in the central Pennsylvania counties of Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry and the Dillsburg Area or Northern York County. Grants may also be made to organizations serving Mifflin and Juniata counties from the Ben Franklin Fund, which benefits organizations in Juniata & Mifflin counties in addition to our five-county service area.

Applicants must either be a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, or have a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization act as a fiscal sponsor for the proposed project. Organizations eligible to apply will have a total operating budget of $1 million or less. Organizations with a total operating budget of up to $250,000 will be eligible for a $1 to $1 match. Organizations with a total operating budget between $250,000 and $1 million are eligible for a $3 to $1 match.

Applications must be submitted through TFEC’s online application system by Oct. 30, 2015. Notification of grant awards will be made in December 2015. Organizations interested in applying should visit to learn how to apply and review the grant guidelines.

TFEC is a community foundation which aims to stimulate philanthropy and enhance the quality of life in the community through accumulating, managing, and disbursing financial assets while serving as a catalyst and neutral convener to meet a wide range of community needs in south central Pennsylvania.

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