The Women’s Fund, a fund of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC), is pleased to announce the 2015 grant awards. A total of $18,300 was granted to 10 local nonprofit organizations that focus on bettering the lives of women and girls in south central Pennsylvania.

The Women’s Fund broadens awareness of and responds to issues affecting women and girls through the power of collective philanthropy.

The Women’s Fund fulfills its mission by educating donors and the community about philanthropy and issues affecting women, girls, and their families; raising money and awarding grants to organizations that address those issues pertinent to women, girls, and their families; and adopting methods that promote inclusiveness and diversity in both giving and grantmaking. The fund makes grants to programs and/or initiatives that serve women and girls in the Pennsylvania counties of Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon and Perry.

The Women’s Fund raises funds throughout the year through various events including the Power of the Purse, the Annual Grantee Recognition Breakfast and Wine & Cheese reception. In addition, the Women’s Fund Dream Team was established in 2011 with a goal and purpose of encouraging 1,000 women to give $1,000 each to create permanent $1 million endowment to help women and girls in our community today and in the future.

In 2016, the Women’s Fund will be unveiling new giving levels to recognize the growing impact of Dream Team members that are taking the fund to new heights through their continuous generosity and contributions.

For more information on the Women’s Fund, how to become a Dream Team member or The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, please contact The Foundation for Enhancing Communities at 717-236-5040 or visit

The following is a list of grant recipients, the amount of funding and a brief description of the projects.

Bridge of Hope Harrisburg Area – $1,250 for rental assistance that would provide in part, the security deposit and first month’s rent needed to house a homeless single mom and her children.

Capital Area Girls On The Run – $2,500 for the Heart & Sole Middle School Program which supports the social and emotional learning of middle school girls and takes into account their specific needs.

Carlisle CARES – $1,250 for the Family Emergency Shelter to serve homeless families in Cumberland County and programs to help women be the best mother they can be by finding employment and housing to support their families.

Community Check Up Center Of South Harrisburg, Inc. – $700 to provide Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives to all women patients, including the uninsured.

Girl Scouts In The Heart Of Pennsylvania – $3,000 for the aMAZE Bullying Prevention Program for middle school girls to develop vital skills that aid them in navigating the challenges of their teen years through developing a personal toolkit to deal with bullying.

Healthy Steps Diaper Bank – $1,250 to purchase diapers to provide to women’s shelters and family service agencies throughout Central Pennsylvania, in addition to providing free “Healthy Diapering” training to educate mothers on the importance of healthy diapering.

Lebanon Rescue Mission, Inc. – $1,825 for the NOVA Educational Software Women’s Satellite Program for use by homeless women and girls to teach them reading, writing vocabulary, math and general learning skills at the Agape Family Shelter.

Perry County Literacy Council – $1,575 for the Women to Work project to provide 15 scholarships to 15 low income Perry County women supporting children to obtain National Retail Federation Customer Service Certification to support transition to local employment.

The Salvation Army Harrisburg – $3,700 for the Summer Youth Enrichment Scholarship Support to provide summer childcare and enrichment program to girls that would be financially unable to participate.

Shalom House – $1,250 for the Empowerment by Design initiative to address the root causes of homelessness in women by incorporating life skills training regarding resource management, mindset, positive habits and relationship building skills.

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