Resources for Building Resilient Communities

Trauma is a widespread, harmful and costly public health problem. Trauma can include homelessness and transience, unemployment, disaster, war, poverty, substance abuse, domestic violence, and abuse and neglect. Traumatic exposure cuts across age groups, gender identity, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, geography and sexual orientation. Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have many different types of trauma in their lives. A trauma-informed community involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. The resources listed here focus on trauma-informed and resilience-building practices.


Understanding ACEs


The Truth About ACES Infographic

Talking About Trauma in Public

Through Our Eyes Series (video):

First Impressions-Exposure to Violence and a Child’s Developing Brain (video):

Toxic Stress (video):

Early Childhood Immigration and Trauma, Build Initiative (video):



Understanding ACEs


The Truth About ACES Infographic

Talking About Trauma in Public

Through Our Eyes Series (video):

First Impressions-Exposure to Violence and a Child’s Developing Brain (video):

Toxic Stress (video):

Early Childhood Immigration and Trauma, Build Initiative (video):


Community Members

A case statement Trauma-Informed Approaches

Guidelines and Standards of Practice for TIC

Organizational Change Manual University of Buffalo

Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessments

Talking About Trauma in Public

Reaching Struggling Students

Children and Trauma for Mental Health Professionals

Trauma Informed Practices in Schools

Effects of Trauma on Urban Children

Coping with Emotional and Psychological Trauma

Effects of Trauma on Children and Adolescents

Understanding ACEs


The Truth About ACES Infographic

Trauma Resource Institute:

Through Our Eyes Series (video):

First Impressions-Exposure to Violence and a Child’s Developing Brain (video):

Toxic Stress (video):

Early Childhood Immigration and Trauma, Build Initiative (video):




talk to our experts
Michelle Schopf, Early Education Advocate

Michelle Schopf