Resources for Workforce

Investing in early education will actively establish a foundation for sustained economic growth, as quality early learning is key to ensuring that future employees have the skills Pennsylvania businesses require in a highly competitive global market. The resources listed reflect on: preparing the next generation of workers, preparing those working now in the field of child care, and how businesses can help make a difference. 


Inspiring The Future – Redraw The Balance (video):

Girl toys vs boy toys: The experiment BBC Stories (video):

Run Like a Girl (video):



Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program Information:

Inspiring The Future – Redraw The Balance (video):

Girl toys vs boy toys: The experiment BBC Stories (video):

Run Like a Girl (video):


Community Members

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation: Childcare Workforce Toolkit

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation: 2019_BuildingBridges_PrintableFinal

Cradle to Career Alliance Intro video:

Cradle to Career Initiative Full Report

Cradle to Career Initiative Brief

Building a Regional CCR Alliance video:

Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program Conceptual Model:

Inspiring The Future – Redraw The Balance (video):

Girl toys vs boy toys: The experiment BBC Stories (video):

Run Like a Girl (video):

Opening a Childcare Facility in Pennsylvania:



talk to our experts
Michelle Schopf, Early Education Advocate

Michelle Schopf